Hi, I am Heather Klyvert.

I'm a wife and mother to 3 children. I developed my passion for photography when I was just 11 years old. My dad used to take me to his photography studio on Saturdays when I had off school and let me help him with his clients. Sometimes I would even fake being sick during the week just so he would have to pick me up from school and take me back to his studio. I continued to take pictures growing up of the children I babysat and nature, and eventually became one of those moms that had thousands of pictures of their children. Unfortunately my dad passed away a couple years ago, so I saved up to buy some professional equipment, take some classes, and started my business in September of 2018.



“Heather has excellent customer service skills and does awesome work. I would highly recommend her services. She is patient and kind and gives a lot of her time to make sure her customers are satisfied.”